How Apt is your Medi -Gap?
Autumn has arrived and with it Medicare Annual Open Enrollment (AEP), the time when one can make a change in ones Medicare Advantage Plan (MA) or Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). Even though AEPs have nothing…
Autumn has arrived and with it Medicare Annual Open Enrollment (AEP), the time when one can make a change in ones Medicare Advantage Plan (MA) or Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). Even though AEPs have nothing…
One way to cover your Medical expenses when you turn age 65 is to go with a Medicare Advantage Policy. These differ from Medicare Supplements (a.k.a. Medigap) in several ways. Whereas a Medigap policy covers…
Although navigating the ins-and-outs of Medicare can be confusing, it doesn’t have to be. Here are three of the top questions I receive about Medicare answered simply and quickly. Question: Should I sign up for…
Although navigating the ins-and-outs of Medicare can be confusing, I hope my last email Medicare 101: Eligibility, helped you understand what to expect as you approach your 65th birthday. After you receive your “Welcome to…
It is 7:00 pm on Friday. You’ve cleaned up dinner after a tiresome day at work, and all you want to do is plop down on the sofa and consume several episodes of your latest…
There’s one more critical piece of information you need so you can make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage for years to come. Yes — if you’re 65, Medicare is your best, and first,…
Hope you’re doing well this week. Wanted to touch base and let you know the IRS recently released health savings account (HSA) contribution limits for 2022. The big picture is this: Contribution limits will increase…
They’re called the “golden years” — and they should be. There’s nothing more precious than the gift of time to spend with family and friends, and to dedicate to hobbies and other activities! But just…
Let us guide you to formulate the best Insurance plan for you at the lowest possible rate Insurance RX owner Martin Miller has helped hundreds of people navigate through the complex array of rules and…